Our beliefs

THE TRINITY: We believe in the triune God—Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit—acknowledging God’s creation, salvation through Jesus, and ongoing guidance. Jesus is recognized as the Savior, Lord, and returning ruler. The Holy Spirit empowers the church and guarantees redemption.

THE BIBLE: Scripture is seen as inspired by God, serving as a reliable guide for Christian faith and life, interpreted in harmony with Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit.

CREATION AND SALVATION: We believe in God as the Creator and Sustainer of all things. We acknowledge human sin, beginning with Adam and Eve, leading to a departure from God’s intent. Through the death of Jesus Christ, God provides salvation from sin. Salvation is received through repentance, accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord, leading to reconciliation with God.

THE CHURCH: We believe in the church as the assembly of those who have accepted salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, empowered and sustained by the Holy Spirit. The church’s mission is to proclaim and embody the kingdom of God, making disciples and teaching Christ’s commands.

MINISTRY AND DISCIPLESHIP: We believe in ministry as a continuation of Christ’s work, with believers receiving gifts through the Holy Spirit for service. The church is seen as one body with diverse members, spiritually united through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ calls us to discipleship, to take up his cross and follow him. Being a disciple means knowing life in the Spirit, with the Holy Spirit active in leading us deeper into the experience of God.

VALUES: We believe in the sacredness of family and the intention of human life to begin and be blessed through families. In light of God’s goodness, we commit to truthfulness. In light of God’s omnipotence, we commit to faithful stewardship. And called by Jesus to be peacemakers, we work toward peace and reconciliation.

SYMBOLS: Baptism symbolizes cleansing and signifies a covenant with God. The Lord’s Supper (communion) serves as a thankful remembrance and renewal of the covenant with God. Washing feet symbolizes humble service and sacrificial love, reflecting Jesus’ example. Church discipline is practiced as a sign of transforming grace, aiming to restore individuals to a right relationship with God and the church.

We believe that the church is God’s holy nation. We place our hope in the reign of God and its fulfillment in the day when Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.