Located in Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, Mount Joy Mennonite Church serves the communities of Lancaster, York, and Dauphin Counties with a regional population of approximately 1,000,000. The area is economically stable, growing, and populated with young families. Our desire is to be a place where Loving God, Loving Others, and Reaching Out is the basis for all we do. With over 100 years of history, we at MJMC desire to shape our ministry for future generations while honoring a rich heritage. The church reflects a casual atmosphere to welcome everyone.


Current Openings

Part-Time Director of Children’s Ministries

Mount Joy Mennonite Church is currently seeking to fill the part-time position for a children’s director.

Interested candidates should review the job description. Forward the completed Employee application and resume to the church office via email or mail to:

Mount Joy Mennonite Church
Administrative Assistant
320 Musser Road
Mount Joy PA 17552